Friday, September 4, 2009

Hectic Week--but still smiling!

It has been a very hectic week.  I've had something before and after school every day and I find this Friday I am EXHAUSTED.  But I had to share this funny tidbit with you. 

On Tuesday, Nolan went with me to get blood drawn at the doctor's office (no worries I have to do this every six weeks right now for my thyroid).  As we were leaving and driving out of the All Saints parking lot he saw the building we had been in for the ultrasound and also the building which holds the hospital where the baby will be born.  

He remembered this and said, "Mama, let's go there and get the baby brother."  I had to laugh and tell him the baby brother wasn't ready yet.  It was still in my tummy, but he could pick him up after Christmas.  

I also laughed out loud after we got home from the ultrasound a few weeks ago (in which he came with Charles and I) and he told me, "Mama, I'm proud of you."  The kid comes up with the craziest things...I tell ya.  

This weekend it is off to a little adventure up north to visit Charles' parents and then to camp with my students for the week.  Let's hope I survive the wilderness!  Have a great Labor Day weekend! 

1 comment:

  1. That kid cracks me up! But then again, look at his parents. Should be an interesting 2010 for you guys.
