Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas 2008

Christmas this year has been hectic but fun!  As you can see in the slideshow above (which I successfully figured out how to do on my own!!!) we had a very eventful Christmas.  We had our annual Christmas party in which we received the wonderful news that two of our dearest friends, Anne and Jason, are tying the knot.  The date has been set and we will be there--we wouldn't miss it for the world!

We also had a great time with the family.  Sarah and Cory came to town and we had a wonderful Christmas celebration with them along with Clare, Josh and mom and dad (and of course all of the kids!) Christmas Day is usually quiet around our house, but we were delightfully surprised to learn that David (Charles' brother) and Kelly, our sister in law, as well as Tyler and Sammy, our niece and nephew, came to town from Illinois.  They had planned on coming in on Christmas Eve but stayed home due to bad weather.  So this year we didn't miss their trip up to Wisconsin!  
I have finally had some down time after all of the celebrating.  I fit in a girls night with girlfriends Heidi, Faith and Andrea and I also managed to celebrate Charles's 32nd birthday in Madison with Anne, Jason, Jer and Stacy--before I finally threw in the towel and decided my head cold was too much for me.  Now after two nights of trying to catch up on the computer and organize my life....I am feeling better and can't believe that the holiday season is almost over!  Enjoy the pics!  I am proud I finally figured out how to post a slideshow (even though Sarah has been promising to help me--but her two boys keep her plenty busy!).  Post a comment if you wish!  Much love and Happy New Year!  The Gassers