Wednesday, August 19, 2009

and we are having.....

a boy!  We really weren't sure if we were going to find out or not.  I even posted a note on my facebook page and had close to 50 responses from friends telling me to find out or to wait.  I thought about it all day and knew Charles really wanted to find out.  I kept wondering if I would be disappointed in the delivery room--especially if it turned out to be a boy and I was certain it was a girl.  Overall, I am totally excited.  I was also totally shocked when we found out it was a boy and Charles kept saying--are you sure?  We actually had a chat in the parking lot that maybe we really will have to go for number three (not for awhile--don't worry mom--I really have to forget morning sickness first).  

Anyways, one huge positive is that I have tons of clothes to fit this baby--since Nolan was born in February and this one is due in January.  

We also had Nolan in the ultrasound room with us.  We asked him before we went in what I was having and he said a baby brother.  Guess he knew something we didn't!  I am totally excited that he will have a little brother to play with and for all of those that wanted me to wait....sorry, I'm a planner and not the most patient person on the planet (just ask Charles or my mother!)

Now...if we just had a boy name picked out....

1 comment:

  1. hmmmm a third huh. Ok, go for it! Can't wait for the name game!
