Tuesday, January 24, 2012

okay...I THINK I am back!

I am hoping to keep it up! I thought about and thought about it....and decided, okay--like an online journal and if no one reads it at least it is there for me! So, i'm back. Now, computers can be time suckers, so I am hoping not to have that happen. But I do love to write and have a way to look back on past memories. In fact, you will notice my last post--which is titled "Finally Settled" was never posted (until tonight) but I had to post it to see what I had written....that was a long rant! So I'm back....hope you enjoy. I'll try to share something cute or funny or just plain fun soon! till then....

Finally settled!

Well, to start off, I apologize to those few friends of mine, (who actually read my blog and myself for that matter) for not blogging in quite awhile. It has been a hectic, stressful and busy life--busier than I have been in a LONG time. But I am happy to say we are finally settled in our new home and I couldn't be happier. I honestly think each and every day how much I love my house and I couldn't be happier. I think the best part of all of this is that I finally feel as if we have found a home we can live in and grow for a long time, so the changes we make, the paint we choose, the garden we plant, we will be able to enjoy for many years. Let me tell you, this is something I have been wanting for many years and it is good to finally be settled in a home that I love.

The last few months have been hectic, stressful, BUSY and life changing but when it all comes down to it, wonderful. It all started with a car accident--at the end of November (not so much fun). I totaled the Prius when someone pulled out in front of me while I was going 40mph on Greenbay Road. Two days later, we got the offer we needed on our house and it was time to start really looking. I swear everything has been a blur since then. The offer was quite a surprise (as he had lowballed us weeks ago and finally came up to our lowest price) . We took it--as you never know in this market--and I really consider ourselves lucky. I still cannot figure out how we fit all our stuff in our teeny house--since we have filled this house pretty well!

Christmas came and went (honestly I think Charles and I just wanted the holidays to be over so we could concentrate on moving). Nolan loved Christmas even more this year and picked out a train set he really wanted, which Santa did bring him. He loved it so much he played with it all Christmas day and ended up bruising his hands from crawling around on the floor so much. Jonah turned one December 29th and we had a small celebration. He enjoyed the cake and the attention. Moving day was January 21st. Thankfully, the previous owners let us move many things into the garage the week before, which really helped. We had A LOT of stuff! We unpacked and settled pretty quickly. Both boys have had their share of colds, ear infections, viruses etc. this winter (and are still fighting some germs), we ALL got the stomach flu over Valentine's Day (thank god we now had more than one bathroom) and we had the big event of February---Nolan turned FOUR! This was the first time we could celebrate a birthday in our house with family (as our other house was too small). Nolan also had a small celebration with a few friends. This was his first real birthday party and I think it went well--although I am glad it was only a two hour celebration!

So, this was the first weekend in which I wasn't packing, unpacking, celebrating a holiday or a birthday or taking a child to prompt care. It has been nice. Believe me, I didn't just waste my weekend. We headed to Menards this weekend to pick up some paint colors and although I love what we picked for the family room, I was not so sure about the kitchen. Too bad we only got samples for the family room and actually bought the paint for the kitchen, (which we will probably not use since I don't like it): Alright, Charles thinks I have rambled enough, so this is it. I hope to update soon. Much sooner than I did before. And of course, if you decided not to read (or you actually wanted to see what was going on is the Gasser household) enjoy the pictures below. It has been a wild ride these last few months. I am looking forward to a little calmer and quieter life.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

To continue or not....that is the question!

I am writing this for my own benefit, and just wondering what others are feeling.

I started my blog in 2007 when Nolan was born--to share pics and stories of our little guy, and our life. Then I discovered facebook and blogspot went on the back burner. Now I am questioning what to do. As many of you know, I am a scrapper and love to scrapbook. I do love the blogspot, but I always wanted to be able to print out my blog and put in a scrapbook of some sort (I think I have finally found a solution to that!!!). I also want to write more and capture the memories of my little guys.

I just read through my blog (or briefly skimmed) to see what was in there. I was pleasantly surprised with a few of my older posts--I had forgotten things, was happy I had them written down here for myself to see in writing and color! I am hoping to take some of those memories and make smaller "yearbooks" in my scrapbook program to be able to cherish. What do you do with your posts? What does blogspot do for you and why do you do it?

Just curious. I am thinking I might get back into it.....your thoughts? Alicia