Sunday, March 25, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day

For my first St. Patrick's Day I celebrated by having dinner at Mimi and Ya Ya's. Unfortunately, I am too young to have Guiness, but my mom did put me in this cute outfit that I got from Mark and Flora.


  1. Cute little boy!!! Congrats you two. He is beautiful, and hopfully not keeping you up all night!!!! Georgia can't wait to meet him.

  2. Congrats to you both! Looking forward to meeting the little guy...

  3. Hey Kiddo!
    Sorry I have been outta touch!
    I miss you all and can't wait to see this little heartthrob!
    What a doll!
    Mom looks pretty happy too!
    Got a gift for you...I will call you and maybe we can get together!
    Miss ya!
    Robin (Pampered Chef Buddy)
